6 Essential Summer Skincare Ingredients

Hand holding PSA skincare bottles over water, highlighting products that contain must-have summer skincare ingredients

As temperatures rise and humidity increases with the arrival of summer, your skin faces new challenges. This season demands a shift in your skincare routine to address the intensified heat and moisture in the air, which can disrupt your skin’s natural balance. Breakouts become more frequent as pores become clogged with sweat and oil. Sun exposure intensifies, increasing the risk of sunburn and premature aging. Dryness can also occur, especially with increased air conditioning use and frequent swims in chlorinated pools.

In this guide, we'll dive into the essential summer skincare ingredients for combating these concerns and keeping your skin healthy and glowing throughout the warm months.


Hyaluronic Acid for Ultra-Hydration


Benefits: Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the skin, is a humectant, meaning it attracts and binds moisture. This is particularly beneficial during the summer months when increased sweating and sun exposure can lead to dehydration. Hyaluronic Acid's ability to retain up to 1,000 times its weight in water makes it a hero ingredient for keeping skin hydrated and dewy, even under the scorching sun. 

Furthermore, Hyaluronic Acid is suitable for all skin types, even oily skin, as it hydrates without clogging pores. It also plumps the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can find HA in various skincare products like serums, moisturizers, and even mists. Look for products containing Hyaluronic Acid on the label and incorporate them into your summer skincare routine for healthy, glowing skin.

Product Recommendation: Our THE MOST Hyaluronic Super Nutrient Hydration Serum is a hydration hero, perfect for boosting your skin’s moisture levels during dry, hot days.


Niacinamide for Oil Regulation and Skin Tone Balancing


Benefits: Niacinamide, also known as Vitamin B3, is a multi-tasking wonder for summer skincare. This powerful ingredient works its magic in several ways to keep your skin healthy and balanced throughout the hot summer months.

Firstly, Niacinamide helps to strengthen the skin's natural barrier, which is crucial for defending against environmental aggressors like pollution and harsh sunlight. A strong barrier also helps retain moisture, preventing dehydration that can be common in summer.

Secondly, Niacinamide regulates sebum (oil) production. During the summer, increased oil production can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Niacinamide helps to normalize oil production, keeping your skin shine-free without stripping it of its natural oils.

Finally, Niacinamide is a champion for evening skin tone. It can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure, leaving your complexion looking brighter and more even-toned.

Product Recommendation: Maintain a balanced and clear complexion with VISIBLE IMPROVEMENT—a summer essential serum for oily and combination skin types.


Vitamin C for Protection and Brightening

Benefits: Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, is a summer skincare essential. It acts as a double-duty hero,  protecting your skin from environmental aggressors like sun damage and pollution.  These factors can contribute to premature aging and hyperpigmentation.  Vitamin C's antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals,  which are unstable molecules that damage skin cells. 

In addition to its protective benefits, Vitamin C is a natural brightening agent. It helps to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure,  leaving your skin with a more even tone and a radiant glow.

Product Recommendation: Lighten and brighten with our LIGHT UP Vitamin C & E Mask—a stellar choice for integrating this powerful antioxidant into your daily regimen.


Centella Asiatica (Cica) for Soothing and Healing

Benefits: Centella Asiatica, also known as Cica, is a powerhouse ingredient for summer skincare. This botanical extract boasts impressive soothing and healing properties, making it ideal for calming a variety of summer skin irritations. Sun exposure, chlorine, and even increased sweating can cause irritation and redness.

Centella Asiatica's anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Furthermore, Cica promotes skin cell regeneration, which can accelerate the healing process of minor summer skin woes like sunburn or breakouts.

Product Recommendation: Calm and firm your skin with our LIQUID PANACEA Centella & Kombucha Firming Recovery Booster—a soothing solution for sensitive and irritated skin.

Willow Bark Extract for Antibacterial and Blemish Control

Benefits: Willow Bark Extract, a natural source of salicin, can be a valuable addition to your summer skincare routine. During the summer months, increased sweating and oil production can create the perfect environment for breakouts. Willow Bark Extract's salicin content helps to gently exfoliate the skin, unclogging pores and reducing the occurrence of acne.

Its anti-inflammatory properties also help to calm irritated skin, making it a soothing option for those prone to breakouts. It's important to note that this extract can be gentle on most skin types, but always do a patch test to ensure compatibility. 

Product Recommendation: Target blemishes with our LIQUID CLARITY BHA & Bakuchiol Blemish Recovery Booster, designed to manage and prevent blemishes.


Zinc Oxide for Sun Defense

Benefits: Zinc Oxide is a mineral sunscreen ingredient that offers broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays, making it a summer skincare must-have. Unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb UV rays, Zinc Oxide sits on the surface of the skin, physically blocking the rays from penetrating. This makes it a gentle and effective option for all skin types,  including sensitive skin prone to irritation. 

Zinc Oxide not only protects against sunburn but also helps prevent long-term sun damage like premature aging and hyperpigmentation.


How to Incorporate These Ingredients into Your Summer Skincare Routine


Morning Routine:

  • Cleanse: Start your day with a gentle cleanser to remove any sweat, oil, or leftover impurities from the night. 

  • Serum: Apply a Vitamin C serum to shield your skin from daytime environmental stressors like pollution and UV rays.
  • Sunscreen: Conclude your morning routine with a broad-spectrum sunscreen containing Zinc Oxide for optimal UV protection.


Evening Routine:

  • Cleanse: Wash off the impurities with a thorough cleanse. For those who wear makeup or sunscreen, consider a double cleanse using an oil-based cleanser first, followed by a water-based cleanser.
  • Serum: Treat your skin to Niacinamide serum to soothe and repair any damage while you sleep. Niacinamide's properties are particularly beneficial for overnight rejuvenation.
  • Moisturize: Finish with a Centella Asiatica-infused moisturizer or treatment to support overnight skin recovery. Centella Asiatica's calming properties can help soothe any irritation from the day.
  • Spot Treatment (Optional): If you experience blemishes, consider applying a Willow Bark Extract solution directly on the affected area as a spot treatment.


Tips for Maximizing Benefits

Layering Products

For optimal results, layer these products correctly. Apply the lightest formulas first (like serums) and progress to heavier textures (creams or oils).

Frequency and Timing


  1. Utilize Vitamin C in your morning routine to harness its antioxidant protection throughout the day. 

  2. In the evening, leverage Niacinamide's restorative properties for overnight repair. 

  3. Apply Centella Asiatica products as needed to address any irritation.


Final Thoughts

Summer's arrival ushers in longer days, vibrant adventures, and of course, a change in your skincare needs. Just like you swap out your wardrobe for lighter fabrics, your skincare routine deserves a summer refresh. 

By incorporating these hero ingredients – Hyaluronic Acid for lasting hydration, Niacinamide to regulate oil and even skin tone, Vitamin C for sun defense and brightening, Centella Asiatica for soothing irritation, Willow Bark Extract to combat breakouts, and Zinc Oxide for sun protection, – you're giving your skin the ultimate summer glow-up.  So, embrace the sunshine, plan your summer adventures, and enjoy radiant, healthy skin.

Explore PSA Skincare: Discover our full range of products featuring these essential summer ingredients and update your routine to ensure optimal protection and nourishment.

Stay Protected and Nourished: Keep your skin healthy and radiant throughout the season with our expertly formulated vegan & cruelty-free solutions.

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